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Quiz: Take a Business Trip & Find Out How to Fix Your… | Proposify

Written by Lauren d'Entremont | Jul 2, 2019 3:00:00 AM

Is your proposal process cramped in coach when you’ve got first-class quotas to hit? Stow your table tray, bring your seat to a fully upright position, and prepare to take off for the land of upgraded proposal creation with our quiz. 

What does your proposal creation process have in common with a business trip?

More than you’d think.

You put a fair amount of planning into them. 

You want to provide a great presentation for your clients. 

You’re focused on outcomes, like a newly closed deal or closer ties with a current customer.

And both business trips and business proposal creation can become convoluted, delayed, and ineffective, no matter how much time and effort you and your team put into organizing them.

While I can’t tell you how to improve your business trips, I can point you in the right direction for improving your proposal creation process. Take our quiz and plan a hypothetical business trip. Then see where your proposal process needs a route recalculation and find out the steps you can take to get back on track and create more winning proposals.


Your proposals can have killer content and design and a perfected pricing scheme. But without a strong, straightforward, and scalable proposal creation process, your sales team is just winging it. 

Invest in the tools, tactics, and strategies your sales team needs to make your business proposal creation take off and help them land with more satisfied clients.