Proposify Blog - Business, Process, Sales, Leads, Proposals and More

Permissions is here! | Proposify

Written by Ricky Ferris | Feb 26, 2016 4:00:00 AM

Over the past few months we’ve been working on designing, developing, and testing our exciting new Permissions feature and it’s now ready to roll! We think is going to be a real game changer for those of you working with larger teams.

Thanks to all of our beta users who helped us test the feature out on real, live humans. As of Monday, February 29th, the Permissions feature will be included in all Venti plans.

How it Works

Permissions functions through two sub-features, Roles & Teams.


Roles gives control over content, proposals, and templates to an Administrator to decide what workflow works best for their company. The Administrator can create/edit roles, and assign permissions, including what access people have to each section of Proposify, from account settings all the way through to sending a proposal.


Teams allows Administrators to group users and, based on their roles, control what content they see, whether it’s Content Library items or specific templates. With Teams you can also add logos, custom addresses, custom domains, and even custom email design. This opens up the ability to manage multiple companies using only one Proposify account.

With the two features used together or separately, you can customize Proposify to the way your company works and have better control over how proposals are created.

Bug Updates

Aside from finessing Permissions, we’ve also been working on bugs within the system including improvements to:

  • Adding/removing multiple links 
  • Retaining formatting when copy pasting content within Proposify
  • Table height issues with PDFs

We’re also still working away on improving mobile previews for clients so stay tuned!

Live Long and Proposify,
Ricky Ferris
Product Manager