Proposify Blog - Business, Process, Sales, Leads, Proposals and More

Product Update: We're Adding a Little Zoom! | Proposify

Written by Ricky Ferris | Aug 12, 2016 3:00:00 AM

We realize that not everyone has access to a large monitor, or the best eyesight, which can make creating pixel-perfect proposals a little difficult when part of the page is not viewable or not in focus. Although zoom may seem like a small feature, we feel the impact will be enlarging.

Zoom Feature

As of Saturday, August 13th, you can zoom out to see the page as a whole, or zoom in to see that you are in perfect alignment. If you have a small screen, the proposal will automatically be zoomed to a position where you can see the entire width of the proposal at once.

Grid and Ruler Update

What would a zoom feature be without a solid grid and ruler to further guide you to perfection? Our new grid is based on 5 pixel increments and the ruler now overlaps the page so you can truly see things line up.

Wait, there’s more!

Another small addition to Proposify is the ability to filter your business and view metrics by client. This will help you better understand how each client reads your proposals so you can narrow in, and close the deal.

Top Secret News!

It may seem like we’ve been quiet for the last couple months, but it’s not because we’ve been  just sitting back and enjoying the summer. In fact, we have been locked away in the Proposify lab brewing up some really exciting updates and features that we’ll be be releasing in the coming months.

Stay tuned as we start to leave a trail of hints behind...

Live long and Proposify,
Ricky Ferris
Proposify Product Manager