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Section Revisions, Content Library Update, and Client… | Proposify

Written by Ricky Ferris | Jan 15, 2016 4:00:00 AM

This weekend we’re kicking off 2016’s first big update by making improvements to how you edit sections, the content library, and client preview settings.

Section Revisions Update

Over the last few months we've been listening to your feedback through customer calls, support tickets, and conferences and decided to make a small but mighty change to the way section defaults are set.

Section defaults are a way of tagging a revision of a section so that each time you create a new proposal or drag it in from the content library, that revision is used.

Previously, Proposify didn't automatically set a default, making the latest version the one that was used when importing content from the library. So if you edited a section in a proposal to tailor it to a specific client, when you pulled that section into a new proposal it wasn’t the base version, but the one tailored to the client. 

To clear up any confusion and make things easier, now when you create a new section in a proposal or template, that is the default until it is imported into a new proposal/template, or edited in the content library. If that section is added to another proposal, a new version is created, editing it there does not affect the default.

If you edit the content library version, you’re editing the default. So now when a section is created in the content library, that is automatically the default. When it's added to a proposal or a template, a version is created but the default has not been affected.

At anytime you can set the default to any version you wish, just click the 'last edited' text by the section name.

Then click 'Make Default' in the revisions fly-out, and it will be the one used when importing and it will be edited in the content library.

I hope this change makes content management easier and speeds up your proposal writing.

Content Library Update

Over the holiday break we took some time to give the content library a makeover, and added Mass Delete to each of the sections for easier content management.

If you want to remove more than one section, click the checkbox in the corner and the delete button will slide out at the top.

This small addition should make organizing your content library a snap. ;)

Client Preview Settings

The last change we made was to add Client Preview settings to the Settings section.

This allows you to set the default settings for your client previews including default language, show accept/decline buttons, allow comments, show total in footer, and control display of ‘Powered by Proposify’.

With these setting set up they way you want them, all future proposals will inherit these settings.

What’s Next

As promised at the end of last year, the Permissions feature is almost ready. We are currently about to start a beta so that we can flush out the details and make it not only super powerful for admins, but also super usable for all the members in your team. We’re excited to launch it soon!

Section Revisions, Content Library Update, and Client Preview Settings

  1. Section Revisions Update
  2. Content Library Update
  3. Client Preview Settings
  4. What’s Next