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Template Batch Updating Feature | Proposify

Written by Mel Hawkes | Aug 12, 2020 3:00:00 AM

Updating multiple templates can be tricky and time-consuming. Here’s how Proposify’s new template batch updating feature makes it quick, easy, and consistent.

Oh, no. You just found out that there’s a typo in your proposal terms and conditions. Legal says if you don’t fix it ASAP in every. single. template. it could spell disaster for your deals.

With the average Proposify account using about 15 templates (some use more than 100!), we know it can be time-consuming to go into each one to update them. But it’s so important, since two-thirds of all Proposify proposals are created using a template and those templates need to be accurate.

The good news? You don’t need to lose sleep over the thought of manually updating your proposal templates. If you have the ability to update sections and templates in the content library, you can now make a change once and apply it to any or all of the templates in your account with our new Template Updating feature. Here’s how.

It’s like you’re updating in your sleep

Technically, you should be awake to actually make the magic happen but it will feel as easy as autopilot.

Let’s look at how simple it is to apply updates across multiple templates. When you are editing or adding a section in your Content Library, you can now select the Apply to Templates button to apply your changes to the template(s) of your choice.

You can update all templates that contain that section or only certain ones. Once you’ve made your selection, you can sit back and relax while Proposify makes those changes for you.

What if changes are made within an active proposal that need to be applied to the original template so it stays accurate going forward? No problem! Simply click on the Save to Library function. From there, you can once again decide which template(s) to apply the update to.

Keep your template management process dreamy

With the ability to make mass section updates across your templates, you can put concerns about inconsistencies and errors to bed. Knowing your deal documents are accurate will buy back the time typically spent hunting for the most up-to-date details or manually applying an update across multiple templates.

How can you be sure? You can watch as each template is quickly updated.

Rest easy knowing everything is consistent

We haven’t forgotten about controlling who can actually make these mass updates. Only users with set permissions can add/edit/delete sections and apply them to the necessary templates.

So now that your content is consistent and up-to-date, let’s ensure it stays that way.

It’s important to consider how users will work most effectively. Limiting access to who can edit content will keep it consistent and error-free. It also means reps can focus on easily pulling together proposals.

With that, you can kick another admin nightmare to the curb and rest easy the next time an update or change comes down the line.

Check out our knowledge base for more about templates or view the video below.